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العلاج الجديد لمصابى الجهاز العصبى و العضلى

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    العلاج الجديد لمصابى الجهاز العصبى و العضلى

    يقوم البروفسر افاكيان بمدينة خاركوف بعلاج امراض الجهاز العصبى و العضلى المستعصيه و ايضا السرطان و حتى فى حالاته المتاخرة و بوصفه دوائيه بسيطه و هى عباره عن حقن و دواء شراب و كبسولات تحميله من البيونورمالين و كورس العلاج 3 شهور و مرفق تعليقات الاطباء الذين استخدموا هذه الوصفه لمرضاهم بعدما فشلوا فى العلاج التقليدى الذى قدموه لمرضاهم و ازهلتهم النتائج بهذا النوع من العلاج .
    Diagnosis myopathia
    Nadezhda Bugor, mother of a sick boy. My son got ill when he was 3 months old. We have noticed that the child had not been developing. Doctors diagnosed him with myopathia and said that they could not provide any effective treatment for this disease. We had only to hope for a miracle. My son was not able to walk and to speak; he was very thin and had no appetite. After he took Gagik Avakyan’s medications, he became a fluent speaker and started to walk without help, though, before that he could not walk at all! If anyone suffers this terrible disease, he can address me, and I will gladly tell about the successful treatment according to doctor Avakyan’s methodology.

    هذا الطفل مرض و لما كان عمره 3 شهور بمرض فى العضلات و لم ينمو طبيعيا و راى الاطباء ان ليس له علاج لهذا النوع من المرض لانه لا يستطيع المشى و الكلام و ضعيف جدا و ليس لديه شهيه للاكل من حديث والدته و لكن بعد كورس العلاجى من البروفسر صار ينمو بسرعه و يتكلم و يمشى بدون مساعدة احدا و انا سعيده بعلاج ابنى و بطريقة البروفسر

    .Shanin, neuropathologist of the highest category, the central regional hospital of Mirgorod.
    I have 40 years experience in neurology. Now we are in Kathrine Levchenko’s, 19, apartment. She got ill 3 years ago, but as it was found out, her illness began much earlier. The first strokes of disease were weakness and fast weariness. She was treated in Mirgorod neurological department and was consulted in Kiev and Poltava. She was diagnosed myasthenia. Her disease started to progress. In Kiev all necessary examinations were done, and an oncological disease of the brain was found out. A number of surgeries on tumor removal were made, but the most terrible thing which doctors were afraid of happened. The important areas of her brain have been touched, and after the 4th surgery Katya was completely paralyzed. Almost all functions of an organism were broken. Of course she couldn’t hear and understand the addressed to her speech. Her eyesight and speech functions were broken, as well as reflex functions. She was fed through a probe; there were huge problems with her pulmonary system. The strong medicamentous treatment was administered, but it brought no results. Soon the drug allergy has begun, and we didn’t know what else we could do. At that time we have heard about G.S.Avakyan's new treatment methodology, and immediately addressed him for help. A year passed. Gagik Sarkisovich achieved the amazing results. Katya’s functions have restored, hearing has returned to her; she has started to understand speech addressed to her. Now she can answer questions and perform commands. Katya can move her hands and feet, give gesture signs and make attempts to speak. Now she can eat without any help and hold a glass of water in her hands. As the neurologist, I can say, that the effect of treatment by Avakyan’s methodology is enormous. This is my conclusion. When you see a hopeless patient who starts to live, and move - the soul rejoices! We will continue to recommend and send our patients for treatment to you. Thank you very much.
    هذا حديث طبيبه عن مريضه لديها حيث تقول : مرضت منذو 3 سنوات مضت و المرض بدا مبكر جدا و اول علامات المرض الضعف و متقدم و تم علاجها فى قسم الامراض العصبيه فى عدة مستشفيات مع تشخيص المرض-الوهن العضلى و اجريت لها عمليه فى المخ و لكن كانت النتيجه الشلل الكامل و صارت لا تسمع او تفهم ما يقال لها و لديها مشكله فى الجهاز التنفسى و بكل الاجراءات العلاجيه لم تكن هنالك نتيجه لذلك و و لكن بعد سنه من كورسات البروفسر بدات تسمع و تتكلم و بدات تحرك الايادى و الارجل و الان تاكل بدون مساعدة احد

    Download Video: صورة الفيديو و يشرح حالته قبل العلاج و بعد العلاج
    tالتصلب المنتشر للجهاز العصبى –
    المريض ادناه كان مصاب بالتصلب النتشر للجهاز العصبى و لا يستطيع التحرك و التحدث صحيحا و لكن بعد العلاج صار يتحرك و يمشى و يتحدث كما لم يكن مريضا فقط يتمنى ان يرجع له شعر راسه و هو فى الصوره مع البروفسر المعالج له
    For 12 years Gagik Sarkisovich Avakyan has been dealing with a problem of treatment of serebrospinal sclerosis, and already 12 years ago he completely cured patients who now feel themselves well and do not have aggravations. It is confirmed by a tomography picture, that the damaged zones have disappeared. Now there are 700 doctor Avakyan’s patients, 260 of them are completely cured. Clinically these patients are considered cured and taking into account their neurologic state they are healthy people. Imagine if the person could not walk, and suddenly begins to walk …
    This is Volodia Loginov, he is a little bit more than 20. It is terrible to hear that the official medicine has refused to treat your illness. It has no power to help, cure, and put on feet. There is only one thing left: to hope for a miracle and a unique method of doctor Avakyan.
    Volodja Loginov After the 1st procedure I had a feeling that I could fly up.
    I had a desire to sit, and to do something with my hands. At once my speech became better, the hearing improved. Before that, when I looked at the wall there was an impression, that my head was shaking all the time.

    والدة المريض تساعدة لما كان مريضا و لا يستطيع التحرك
    Volodia’s Mother The energy in hands returned, and his feet became warm. His feet were always cold as ice. Now his hands and feet are warm …
    Volodia Loginov
    I have already taken five courses of treatment, and now I am able to do more than I could before. I was the shut-in patient, and now I can already sit. I will show you (sits down). My feet can already bent. Glory to Jesus! Step by step God cures me. Earlier I could not hold a mug of water because my hands were shaking. I could not hold bread, I did not feel it, and crushed. Now everything is fine: I can drink and eat myself.

    المريض على كرسيه المتحرك
    Volodia Loginov Dear God, I thank you for Gagik Sarkisovich Avakyan’s treatment. I thank You for his family, I thank You for his kindness and hands. Dear Lord, thank You for all.
    Volodia’s Mother Now he can stand himself for a little while. His legs can stand …
    Volodia Loginov If earlier I was lying all time, now I am sitting all time. Earlier I was lifted by my parents, and now I can climb up the ladder alone.

    Gradually, step by step, Volodja Loginov has returned to a normal life of the young man …
    5 years have passed after the treatment was begun.
    The only problem which now disturbs me is restoration of hair, and I believe that one day my hairs will grow. I think it is possible.كل مشكلة المريض الان ان ينمو له الشعر
    المريض بعد العلاج مع البروفسر
    Gagik Sarkisovich Avakyan:
    It is very important, when the patient trusts the doctor and the doctor believes in the treatment and there is a mutual understanding and love between the doctor and the patient, then treatment helps. Glory to Jesus!
    العلاج و هو عباره عن 5 حقن من بيونورمالين تاخذ خلال يوم اى لمده 10 ايام و دواء ثانى من البيونورمالين فى شكل بودره و بمعلقه شاى صغيره ايضا خلال يوم و لمده 4 شهور و تحميلات من البيونورمالين 40 كبسوله و ايضا من خلال يوم و بهذه الوصفه تم علاج كل الحالات من الامراض العصبيه المستعصيه و خاصه المخ و الحبل الشوكى و العضلات و الشلل بكل انواعه و الصرعه و العلاج لا يحتاج الى الرقاد فى المستشفى و مركز البروفسر بمدينة خاركوف/اوكرانيا
    ملحوظه : لا تظهر الصور الملونه للمرضى مع البروفسر و الاطباء عند التحميل

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    مشكور اخي وين عنوان الطبيب

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      بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

      شكراً أخونا الهزبر على الموضوع ولو سمحت تكتب لنا أسم المركز بالأنجليزي عشان نعمل بحث اعمق في هذا الموضوع لأن مثلك عارف إن في كثير مواضيع مشابهه يكون القصد منها للدعايه والكسب المادي فقط وجزاك الله خير


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        رد: العلاج الجديد لمصابى الجهاز العصبى و العضلى

        المرضى الذين يريدون عنوان البروفسر يمكنهم مراسلة المركز الاوكراينى الذى يتعاون مع هذا البروفسر و من خلالهم يمكن الحصول الويب سايد للبروفسر-www.ukrclinics.com


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