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حالات شفيت من التوحد مع حليب الابل

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    حالات شفيت من التوحد مع حليب الابل

    حليب الابل لا يحتوي على الكازين ويمكن ان يكون علاج فعال لعلاج التوحد.

    هذا مقال يتكلم عن أناس توحديين شربوا حليب الابل بدل حليب البقر وشفيوا من التوحد:

    - طفلة في الرابعة من العمر شربت حليب الابل لمدة 40 يوماً اختفت عندها أعراض التوحد.

    - ولد في الخامسة عشر من عمره تخلص من التوحد بعد 30 يوماً من تناوله حليب الإبل.

    واخرون في الحادي والعشرين من عمرهم بعد أسبوعين من تناولهم حليب الابل اصبحوا أكثر هدوءاً وتوقفوا عن إيذاء أنفسهم.

    خلص مؤلفو الدراسة انه من الواجب اخذ الجرعات تحت اشراف طبي.


    دراسة أخرى مفصلة عن فوائد حليب الابل

    وعرض لأشخاص عندهم حساسية من الحليب البقري ومشاكل في الجهاز المناعي وكيف ان حليب الابل يعطي المناعة والقوة.

    بصراحة لم أستطع ترجمة الدراسة لضيق وقتي ولكن بامكانكم الاطلاع عليها وتروا نتائج مبهرة.
    الرابط هنا:

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أم دانيال; الساعة 10-08-2009, 02:19 PM.

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    يعطيك الف عافية على هالمعلومه


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      أشكرك أيتها الرائعة عائشة
      للأسف الرابط الثاني يظهر عندي محظور ما بعرف ليش!!!!
      التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أم دانيال; الساعة 10-08-2009, 12:07 PM.


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        افلا ينظرون الا الأبل كيف خلقت

        السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .....
        الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
        انا جربت لأبني منذ فترة حليب الأبل ولاحظة ان الخروج عنده تغير لونه ولكن لم اكمل بسبب تخوفي من انه يحتوي على الكازين
        لم تكن لديى معلومات كثيرة عن حليب الأبل
        سوف ابدأ في اقرب وقت ان شاء الله في استخدامه مرة اخرى واخبركم بالنتائج

        شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية . شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية . ولكل اعضاء المنتدى

        وقبل الزحمة اهنئكم بقرب شهر رمضان
        وكل عام وأنتم بخير


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          شكرا لكنّ: شمس التحدي،
          ام ميسم
          اختي أم ميسم اذا كان حليب الابل متوفر لديك، انصحك باعطائه لابنتك 3 مرات في اليوم، وراقبيها ووافينا بالنتائج.

          رمضان كريم عليك وعلى جميع أمة سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم.


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            أختي ريم العفو
            لا شكر على واجب
            يمكن الرابط الثاني لم يفتح معك لان الدراسة مأخوذة من موقع طبي اسرائيلي
            وأعتقد انه محظور في الدول العربية (ما عندي فكرة)،
            الدراسة مهمة جداً معمولة وفق نظام pdf .

            اليك النسخة :

            Camel Milk for Food Allergies in Children

            Yosef Shabo
            MD1, Reuben Barzel MD3, Mark Margoulis MD4 and Reuven Yagil DVM2

            Departments of

            1Family Medicine and 2Physiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel


            Department of Natural Medicine, Maccabi Health Services, Beer Sheva, Israel


            Nutrition Unit, Soroka University Hospital, Beer Sheva, Israel
            Key words: immunoglobulin, protective proteins, allergens, dromedary, nutrition


            Food allergies in children are often very serious

            and can lead to anaphylactic reactions. Observations that camel
            milk ameliorates allergic reactions were noted over the years. The
            effect of camel milk is probably related to its special composition.

            To investigate the effect of camel milk in several

            children with severe food (mainly milk) allergies.

            We studied eight children with food allergies who

            did not benefit from conventional treatment. Their parents, or their
            physicians, decided to try camel milk as a last resort. The parents
            were advised by the authors – who have considerable experience
            with the use of camel milk – regarding how much and when the
            children should drink the milk. The parents reported daily on the
            progress of their children.

            All eight children in this study reacted well to the milk

            and recovered fully from their allergies.

            These encouraging results should be validated

            by large-scale clinical trials.

            IMAJ 2005;7:796–798

            Historically, camel milk has been used for a number of medical
            problems [1,2]. Various foods can cause allergies, especially
            consumption of ruminant milk and milk products. Some food
            allergies are severe and can result in anaphylactic reactions. It
            has been noted that there are basically three different types of
            allergic reactions. The first type is an immediate reaction, i.e.,
            within 45 minutes of drinking cow milk, and includes urticaria,
            angioedema and possibly a true anaphylactic reaction. The second
            type occurs between 45 minutes and 20 hours and manifests
            as pallor, vomiting and diarrhea. The third type may take
            longer than 20 hours and consists of mixed reactions involving
            the skin, respiratory tract, and gut.
            Anaphylaxis is a sudden, severe, potentially fatal, systemic
            allergic reaction that can involve various areas of the body
            (such as the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular
            system). Symptoms occur within minutes to 2 hours
            after contact with the allergy-causing substance, but in rare
            instances may occur up to 4 hours later. Anaphylactic reactions
            can be mild to life-threatening. In the United States the annual
            incidence of anaphylactic reactions is about 30 per 100,000 persons,
            and individuals with asthma, eczema, or hay fever are at
            relatively greater risk of experiencing anaphylaxis. Allergies in

            general are associated with reduced immunologic protection.

            The use of camel (

            Camelus dromedarius) milk for food-allergic

            children seems a bizarre idea and is usually met with the
            comment: “if the child is allergic to milk how can you suggest
            camel milk?” In fact, the camel is not a ruminant, although it
            ruminates, but is a Tylopode. Camel milk composition is vastly
            different from that of ruminants [2,3], as is their physiology [4].
            Camel milk contains little fat (2%); this fat consists mainly of
            polyunsaturated fatty acids that are completely homogenized
            and gives the milk a smooth white appearance. Lactose is
            present in concentrations of 4.8%, but this milk sugar is easily
            metabolized by persons suffering from lactose intolerance [5].
            The proteins of camel milk are the decisive components for preventing
            and curing food allergies because camel milk contains
            no beta-lactoglobulin [6] and a different beta-casein [7] – the
            two components in cow milk that are responsible for allergies.
            Camel milk contains a number of immunoglobulins that are
            compatible with human ones. Camel milk is also rich in vitamin
            C, calcium and iron [3].
            Patients and Methods
            The parents of eight children suffering from severe food allergies
            who did not respond to conventional treatments asked for
            advice regarding camel milk for their children. The ages of the
            children ranged from 4 months to 10 years. All suffered from
            severe allergic reactions. The most prominent symptom was
            diarrhea and vomiting after eating. Other accompanying symptoms
            were skin rashes, lactase deficiency, chemical imbalance,
            and asthma symptoms. While all had food allergies, milk allergies
            were common to all. The children were followed for about
            30 days.
            One child, 4 months old, was taken home from hospital because
            of the lack of improvement and was losing blood and liquid
            in constant diarrhea. Another, a young girl from the United
            States, was extremely allergic to all but a few foods. Any food
            containing milk immediately caused an anaphylactic reaction.
            All the parents agreed to feed their children with camel milk
            under strict daily supervision (contact by phone) in order to
            maintain or change the initial regimen.
            Camel milk was obtained by the families from a source that
            was considered hygienic. The parents were instructed not to
            heat the milk, which would destroy the immunoglobulins and

            protective proteins.

            Based on our experience, we determined the amount of milk
            and times of drinking according to the child’s age and the severity
            of symptoms [3]. Milk was supplied frozen and a bottle

            Food allergies in children are often very serious

            and can lead to anaphylactic reactions. Observations that camel
            milk ameliorates allergic reactions were noted over the years. The
            effect of camel milk is probably related to its special composition.

            To investigate the effect of camel milk in several

            children with severe food (mainly milk) allergies.

            We studied eight children with food allergies who

            did not benefit from conventional treatment. Their parents, or their
            physicians, decided to try camel milk as a last resort. The parents
            were advised by the authors – who have considerable experience
            with the use of camel milk – regarding how much and when the
            children should drink the milk. The parents reported daily on the
            progress of their children.

            All eight children in this study reacted well to the milk

            and recovered fully from their allergies.

            These encouraging results should be validated

            by large-scale clinical trials.
            IMAJ 2005;7:796–798
            Camel Milk for Food Allergies in Children
            Yosef Shabo

            MD1, Reuben Barzel MD3, Mark Margoulis MD4 and Reuven Yagil DVM2

            Departments of

            1Family Medicine and 2Physiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel


            Department of Natural Medicine, Maccabi Health Services, Beer Sheva, Israel


            Nutrition Unit, Soroka University Hospital, Beer Sheva, Israel

            Key words:

            immunoglobulin, protective proteins, allergens, dromedary, nutrition

            Immunology and Allergies

            Vol 7 December 2005 Food Allergies and Camel Milk 797

            was thawed as needed (without adverse effects on the milk,
            which returns to its initial solution). The milk replaced all other
            foods for 2 weeks, after which other food was gradually added
            to the diet as chosen by the parents.
            Within 24 hours of starting to drink the milk all the children
            showed diminished symptoms. Within 4 days all symptoms had
            disappeared. No recurrence of the allergic reactions was reported.
            Most parents continued giving their children camel milk
            for another month.
            The child from the U.S. returned home after 2 weeks, with
            no allergic reaction to camel milk and able to eat food to which
            she had previously been allergic. Treatment was halted because
            camel milk could not be imported to America. It appears that
            she remained healthy and stable after returning home.
            The 4 month old infant suffered from ear infections with
            oozing pus 2 months after ceasing to drink camel milk. No
            treatment was effective, including a number of surgical interventions.
            After drinking camel milk again, the child was healed
            within 48 hours.
            One child said her legs felt heavier, and in fact she was
            heavier, suggesting a rapid increase in bone calcium, an observation
            in osteoporotic women who drink the milk (R. Yagil,
            personal observation).
            A young girl who showed severe reactions to cow milk, even
            in minute amounts, consumed the camel milk without problems.
            In all eight cases the results of drinking camel milk were spectacular
            compared to conventional treatments – a rapid improvement
            in the children’s health, followed later by an ability to
            digest other foods. The healing effect of drinking camel milk
            has also been found in other diseases associated with the immune
            system, including autism [8]. In many Arab countries it is
            common practice, even today, to give camel milk to children to
            strengthen their immune system, without knowing how it works.
            The effect of camel milk on food allergies is based on the
            fact that it does not contain allergens that are so potent in
            cow milk. There is no beta-lactoglobulin [6,7] and another betacasein
            is present [7]. Another pertinent fact is that the components
            of camel milk include immunoglobulins similar to those
            in mothers’ milk, which reduce children’s allergic reactions and
            strengthen their future response to foods.
            The importance of camel milk for treating food allergies
            in children is therefore found in its non-allergenic properties
            and the child’s immunologic rehabilitation. Clinical immunology
            takes the approach that allergy and autoimmune disease
            are the two major categories of hypersensitivity disease. If the
            term “food allergy” refers to all interactions between molecules
            derived from the food supply and the immune system, then
            many hypersensitivity disorders fall into the category of food
            allergy. How strongly and rapidly the immune system develops
            and whether it is challenged at a young age would also be contributing
            factors. “Milk protein allergy” is an allergic reaction to
            proteins commonly found in cow milk. It is caused by the immune
            system reacting to the protein in the milk as a threat to
            the body, thus activating the immune system, just as it would
            to a foreign virus or poison. Most people with allergies produce
            immunoglobulin E antibodies.
            In vitro

            tests have shown that camel milk reduces anti-immunoglobulins

            in the blood (Y. Brenner, personal communication).
            In 1992 Hamers-Casterman et al. [10] described the remarkable
            immune system of the camel, which is different from that of
            all other mammals. IgG2 and IgG3 (inherent in camels) consist
            of only two heavy chains. There are no light chains. There is a
            single V domain (VHH) [11]. Camel VHH has a long complementary
            determining region (CDR3) loop, compensating for
            absence of the VL [12]. Conventional antibodies rarely exert a
            complete neutralizing activity against enzyme antigens. Camel
            IgG has full neutralizing activity even against the tetanus toxin
            as it enters the enzyme structure. Camel hypervariable regions
            have increased the repertoire of antigen binding sites [12].
            Camel VHH domains are better suited to enzyme inhibitors
            than human antibody fragments [11]. As viral enzymes play
            a key role in triggering diseases, their neutralization would
            prevent their replication. A camel variable domain antibody
            fraction is a potent and selective inhibitor of the hepatitis C
            enzyme system [13].
            A major flaw in the development of immunotherapy is the
            size of the antibodies. Larger antibodies cannot reach their
            target. The camel’s antibodies have the same antigen affinity
            as human antibodies but are ten times smaller [14]. The
            above pertains to examinations of camel blood; however,
            these immunoglobulins and antibodies pass into the milk
            and, as they are small, enter the bloodstream via the intestines.
            There are many “protective proteins” in camel milk that
            exert immunologic, bactericidal and viricidal properties [15].
            The most prominent of these are lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase,
            NAGase and PGRP.
            The only obstacle preventing greater use of camel milk for
            treatment is pasteurization. On the one hand the Ministry of
            Health demands the pasteurization of all milk (even if camel
            milk is not mentioned in the list of milk-producing animals)
            while, on the other, heating or pasteurization will destroy all
            immunoglobulins and other protective proteins, mainly bacterial
            enzymes. If the regulation is enforced that camel milk must be
            pasteurized because it contains more bacteria than the allowed
            maximum, then milk products violating this regulation should
            also be removed from the market. This includes Actimel® (a
            probiotic active drink containing

            Lactobacillus casei defensis “friendly”

            bacteria), as there is no such thing as “good bacteria” but
            either pathogens or non-pathogens. Since Actimel® contains
            non-pathogens, microbiologic testing could show that the same
            applies to camel milk as well. It must be noted that pasteurized
            camel milk still retains its low fat, non-allergenic proteins and
            digestible lactose.
            It appears that camel milk has a positive effect in children with
            severe food allergies. The reactions are rapid and long lasting.
            Much research still needs to be done on the healing effects of
            the milk. We are preparing a research program to be submitted
            to the Helsinki Committee for permission to carry out clinical

            The authors are grateful to the Benny Slome

            Charitable Foundation and ICA in Israel for supporting the camel
            1. Khan MM, Sahih al-Bukhari. Translation of the Meanings of the
            Koran. Saudi Arabia: Al-Medina Islamic University, 1974.
            2. Yagil R. Camels and Camel Milk. Italy: FAO (Food and Agricultural
            Organization of the UN), 1982.
            3. Yagil R, van Creveld C. Medicinal use of camel milk. Fact or
            Fancy? In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Camelid Conference
            on Agro-economics of Camelids. Almaty, Kazahstan, 2000.
            4. Yagil R. The Desert Camel: Comparative Physiology. Comparative
            Animal Nutrition. Vol 5. Basel: Karger Ag., 1985.
            5. Hanna J. Over the hump. In: Jack Hanna’s Animal Adventures. TV
            series (USA) 2001 season; #2190. www.animaladventures.com.
            6. Merin U, Bernstein SD, Bloch-Damti N, Yagil R, van Creveld C,
            Lindner P. A comparative study of milk proteins in camel (Camelus
            dromedarius) and bovine colostrum.

            Livestock Product Sci

            7. Beg OU, von-Bahr-Lindststrom H, Zaidi ZH, Jornvall H. Characterisation
            of camel milk protein rich proline identifies a new beta
            casein fragment.

            Regul Pept 1986;15:55–62.

            8. Shabo Y, Yagil R. Behavioral improvement of autistic children following
            drinking camel milk. In: Treating Persons with Brain Damage.
            4th National Conference. Tel Aviv, 2005:94.
            9. El-Agamy EI, Ruppaner R, Ismail A, Champagne CP, Assaf R. Antibacterial
            and antiviral activity of camel milk protective proteins.
            J Dairy Res


            10. Hamers-Casterman C, Atarouch T, Muyldermans S, Bendolman
            N, Hamers R. Naturally occurring antibodies devoid of light

            Nature 1993;363:446–8.

            11. Riechmann L, Muyldermans S. Single-domain antibodies: comparison
            of camel V H and camelised human V H domains [Review].
            J Immun Methods


            12. Muyldermans S, Cambillau C, Wyns L. Recognition of antigens by
            single-domain antibody fractions: the superfluous luxury of paired

            Trends Biochem Sci 2001;26:230–5.

            13. Martin F, Volpari C, Steinkuhler C, Dimas N, et al. Affinity selection
            of a camelized V (H) domain antibody inhibitor of hepatitis
            C virus NS3 protease.

            Protein Eng 1997;10:607–14.

            14. Jassim SAA, Naji MA. Camel immune system and activity of milk.


            15. Kappeler S. Compositional and structural analysis of camel milk
            proteins with emphasis on protective proteins. Ph.D. Thesis. ETH
            No. 12947. Zurich, 1998.

            Dr. R. Yagil, 14 Bar-Kochba Street, Beer Sheva

            84231, Israel.
            Phone: (972-8) 627-3155
            Fax: (972-8) 627-3155

            التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أم دانيال; الساعة 10-08-2009, 12:17 PM.


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              بارك الله فك اختي على المعلومه ...

              صرنه على الله وعلى هالمنتدى من خبراتكم ههههه كل يوم يطلع دواء جديد في المنتدى الحمدلله اغلبها طبيعيه ..

              ان شاء الله بجربه وبشوف النتايج ..
              سيدي في القلب حاجة ... هل لها منك انـــفراجه ... إنما بي .... من عذابي ... ســيدي أرجوا علاجه


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                لك كل الشكر على اهتمامك أختي العزيزة عائشة
                دراسة جيدة حقا. سرّني أن أعرف أن حليب الإبل يظل حليبا جيدا وبديلا عن أي حليب آخر حتى ولو كان مبسترا. لكن للأسف مهمته كداعم لجهاز المناعة ستتوقف بعملية البسترة. أي لن يحصل أطفالنا على الفائدة الكاملة المرجوّة منه إن كان مبسترا!!
                مع أني أعيش في بلد صحراوي إلا أن الحصول على حليب إبل غير مبستر أمر صعب جدا في المدن. لكنني أجده بسهولة في السوبرماركت. وسأحاول تجربته قريبا بإذن الله.
                لكن الدراسة أوضحت أن الأطفال الذين تمت معالجة مشكلة الحساسيات عندهم تناولوا حليب الإبل فقط لا غير لمدة يومين على الأقل ثم بدأ أهاليهم بإضافة الأطعمة الأخرى بالتدريج حتى تم الشفاء. هذا طبعا إن كان الحليب على أصله وليس مبسترا.


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                  جزاك اللـــه خيـــر اختــــي [ عـائشــة ] على هذا الخبــــر
                  ((( إن مع العسر يسرا )))


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                    لو ينفع نجيب ابل عندنافي البيت وياخذ اللبن طازة
                    يعني مش هيجي تعب الابل اكثر من تعب التوحد
                    والله هافكر في الموضوع وهابحث فيه كويس وخاصة ان د فراجي قد قال لاحد الامهات هذا الكلام وكانت من السودان بس لم تستطيع الحصول عليه


                    • Font Size
                      الف شكر اختي الرائعه عائشه على الموضوع المهم ..

                      لو اننا للاسف في بلاد الابل وكما قالت العزيزه ريم لا نستطيع الحصول عليه الا مبستر !!!ولكن البستره هل تفقد هذا الحليب كل الميزه المرجوه منه ام لا ؟ هذا سؤالي لمن لديه فكره ..

                      مع اني سأحاول الحصول عليه طازج وان شاء الله اقدر ..

                      ويا ريت اللي عنده فكره عن الفرق في تركيبة كل من حليب الابل والبقر والماعز يزودنا بالمعلومات ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

                      مع ان كل هذه الاصناف من الحليب حيوانيه ولكن لكل منها تركيبه مختلفه حتى انها تظهر في الطعم فلكل منها طعم مختلف ....

                      بارك الله فيك اختي عائشه ام دانيال وشفى الله ابنك وابنائنا اجمعين .


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                        أختي فاطمة
                        التقرير الذي وضعت أختنا الكريمة عائشة نسخة منه هنا جاء على ذكر إجابة ما سألت عنه.
                        يقول التقرير أن حليب الإبل بعد عملية البسترة يظل محتفظا بعناصره الغذائية من دهون وكالسيوم وحديد وغيرها. إلا أن عملية البسترة التي تعتمد على تسخين الحليب تعمل على قتل البكتيريا النافعة فيه والتي تتواجد بكميات كبيرة. وأيضا بعد البسترة يصبح حليب الإبل خاليا من عوامل المناعة immunoglobilins والتي لها يعود السبب في قوة الحليب الشفائية.

                        يعني باختصار حليب الإبل بحالتيه مبستر وغير مبستر ممتاز جدا كغذاء لأطفالنا ولا يتسبب بحساسية مطلقا على عكس بقية أنواع الحليب. لكن حتى نحصل على الأثر العلاجي له يجب ألا يكون مبسترا كما يجب الحصول عليه من مصدر عالي الجودة.


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                          بارك الله فيك عزيزتي ريم ....شكرا على الرد .


                          • Font Size
                            شكرا يا عايشه موضوع رائع فعلا ومفيد لكن كما قالت ريم المشكله في كيفبة الحصول عليه طازج وفريش لأن الدراسه اكدت على عدم تسخين الحليب أو تعريضه للبستره أو سيفقد فوائده .
                            هذا أمر صعب لأنني عن نفسي لن اقوم بإعطاء إبني شيء مالم أكن على ثقه كبيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــره من نظافته فلن أعالج شيء وأخرب شيء آخر .
                            على فكره في الإمارات يوجد العديد من المنتحات بحليب الإبل ( حليب بعدة نكهات , روب وزبادي , شيكولاته )


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